Monday, July 25, 2016

Raspberry Pi as FM transmitter

I cannot believe Raspberry Pi boards are so versatile. Well, that's the point of a general purpose computer after all, isn't it? It looks like guys Oliver Mattos and Oskar Weigl managed to code a pretty good program to transmit on FM (frequency modulation) from the Raspberry PI cards.
Lawyers would love this: please remember that in lots of countries it is illegal to transmit on specific frequencies and output power without a proper license. So be warned about this, and obtain the license or refrain to transmit, it's up to you.
Given that said, the post above is very straigthforward to follow. Getting the antenna is simple, a wire (~40cm) will do. It's a good way to start transmitting audio, from a file or even from a USB microphone (see the example using program 'arecord').
Enjoy! and stay tuned for more posts on the subject because FM transmitting with the Raspberry Pi boards has more capabilities.

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