Monday, July 25, 2016

Raspberry Pi as FM transmitter

I cannot believe Raspberry Pi boards are so versatile. Well, that's the point of a general purpose computer after all, isn't it? It looks like guys Oliver Mattos and Oskar Weigl managed to code a pretty good program to transmit on FM (frequency modulation) from the Raspberry PI cards.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Look Ma! no keyboard, no mouse, no display...

While booting a RPi you usually attach a keyboard/mouse and display (i.e. via the HDMI connector). But what if you don't have such peripherals at hand? or you just want to run a "headless" server?

Boot from USB

All Raspberry Pi models (from old A up to 3) are intended to boot from the SD/microSD slot. Period. With microSD cards of 16 GB or 32 GB there should be no space problems for most applications. However, what if you want to use a USB stick or a removable hard disk (imagine 1TB or even 2TB!) as the boot device?.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Driving Adafruit motor shield from RPi with Python

As I planned to build a RPi controlled robot, I selected the Adafruit motor shield v1 as the component to control the robot's two DC motors. But given the project I was using as a guideline uses a L293D-based circuit and all the source code is Python, I was facing a problem...